High-Speed Market Entry into Vietnam with PEO/EOR

peo & eor vietnam
Table of Contents

This Webinar session aims to explain how businesses can achieve high-speed market entry into Vietnam through a Professional Employer Organisation (PEO) or Employer Of Record (EOR).

Free On-Demand Webinar | Vietnam | 9th July 2020, Afternoon Session

Entering Vietnam's Market Quickly and Compliantly with PEO/EOR

In this episode, you will understand how a PEO or EOR can help your business to expand into Vietnam in a more cost-effective and compliant way.

How Does a POE/EOR Work in Vietnam?

It involves a co-employment relationship between the PEO/EOR and your company. In this regard, the PEO/EOR will service your company in areas like HR consulting, payroll processing, employee benefits administration and labour law compliance management.

On the other hand, your company retains control over its core business and maintains management rights.

AYP Group's Scope of PEO/EOR Services

The following are key HR functions we can manage on behalf of your business:

  • Drafting and maintenance of employment contracts
  • Providing insurance coverage for your employees and their dependents
  • On-boarding
  • Processing of payroll, salary and statutory contributions
  • Aligning your business in compliance to Vietnam's labour laws
  • Supporting your business in day to day HR operations

Understanding Vietnam's Contract Types, Labour Laws and Employee Benefits

For detailed explanations and elaborations on the mentioned terms, you may refer to the Webinar recording that has been uploaded on YouTube:

High-Speed Market Entry into Vietnam with PEO/EOR

1. Contract Types

In Vietnam, there are two types of contracts:

  • Indefinite term
  • Fixed term

2. Labour Laws

Currently, the main law regulating employment relationships in Vietnam is the 2012 Labour Code. It provides the legal options of probation, indefinite and definite labour contracts. The new Labour Code that was passed in 2019 will not take effect until 1 January 202.

Employee Benefits

The main employee benefits include the following:

  • Medical reimbursements
  • Statutory contributions
  • Leave entitlement (annual, childcare, maternity etc.)
  • Severance compensation

If you have further questions, feel free to contact us

Let us help you with your business plans!

Featured Content

1. PEO vs EOR: Which Is Best for Your Company?

Featured Content

1. EOR Innovations That Add Value To Your Company

2. How a PEO Can Benefit Your Company

3. Engaging Employees Remotely

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