Engaging Employees Remotely

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If there is one word we have all been familiarised with this year, it is definitely โ€œCrisisโ€. The COVID-19 Pandemic spread rapidly around the world and has caused great disruption to the everyday workforce.

What we have known to be normal up until now has been completely changed, and of course, the workforce has had to change along with it. A common challenge faced by many employers during the pandemic, was in keeping their employees well engaged despite the circumstances.

  Of course, it is never really possible for us to predict exactly when and how a crisis will occur, and as such it is a good idea to be well prepared in the case of one. Here are some tips and tricks on how to keep your employees engaged during a crisis. 

1. Prioritise Communication 

Remote working has become something of a regular thing ever since the COVID-19 Pandemic hit. The transition from office to home has caused hiccups in communication for many. However, an unforeseen crisis or pandemic can hit at any time, and employers will want this transition to be as smooth as possible.

Communication is no doubt important for a companyโ€™s productivity as well as for team bonding. As such, it should always be prioritised, especially when major changes take place. Furthermore, remote work can often make employees feel like they are out of the loop. Communication should still be of utmost importance, and this can be done by scheduling daily huddle meeting to discuss tasks for the day.

Furthermore, frequent check-ins can be done to ensure that employees are coping well and that their priorities are in focus. At the same time, employers should be open to listen to any concerns or difficulties that their employees may be facing.

Making use of online communication channels so that employees can contact and interact with one another during work hours is also an important communication function to implement. A crisis can leave your employees feeling disoriented and disconnected.

A solid communication system is needed to show them that they are not alone in uncertain times.ย 

2. Set Clear Goals 

Although work is disrupted during a pandemic, a sense of normality is still important to many. Organisations need to continue operations as much as possible. As the popular saying goes, โ€œthe show must go on.โ€ As employees work remotely during a crisis, it is still essential for an employer to clearly communicate any expectations and goals they have for the organisation.

Furthermore, employees have to know their roles in achieving said goals. Frequent meetings should be set up between teams so each individual has a clearer perspective of what is expected from them.

Moreover, this will give employees a sense of importance and belonging within the organisation. When employees have a clear idea of what your expectations are, they are more likely to be able to stay motivated to meet these expectations. At the same time, it is important for employees to know that they can ask for help should it be required.

3. Encourage Team Bonding

Team bonding is an important prospect for every company, especially when it comes to maintaining company culture. There are ways for employees to socialise virtually and many of these can be implemented. Get creative by organising virtual game day or even a team fitness event.

During a crisis, it is important for employees to know that they are not alone, and such activities can be a form of encouragement and emotional support for many. Furthermore, implementing such activities speaks volumes about how much an organisation cares about its employees. It is important for employees to have a sense of normality even during times of uncertainty, and socialising and bonding with their colleagues gives them just that.

While it is impossible for an organisation to predict when a crisis will happen, it is always important to be well-prepared. If anything, the COVID-19 Pandemic has definitely showed us this. As always, communication should be key in any workplace, and good communication boosts productivity among employees.

Furthermore, it is important to check in on employeesโ€™ wellbeing as well as ensure that everyone has a clear understanding of all goals and expectations. Keeping your employees engaged and offering them support are both necessary to keep employees happy and motivated despite any circumstances.

Should you need new solutions and methods of employee engagement, AYP Group is well-equipped with the knowledge and solutions, all tailor-made according to your needs. Ready to boost your employee engagement rates?

Contact us at https://ayp-group.com/find-us/  to find out what we can do for you.

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