How potential are digital marketing jobs outlook in China?

China’s e-commerce market has multiplied five (5) times in size. The E-commerce sales in China reached $1.7 trillion in 2020, this number is equivalent to 30 percent of all retail sales in China. By 2026, the gross value of China’s B2C e-commerce is predicted to rise from US$ 2,396 billion to US$ 3,997 billion. This […]

Why are cyber security jobs so popular in Malaysia?

Malaysia targets to employ 20,000 cyber security professionals by 2025 to meet the rising demand for artificial intelligence, big data, and online transactions. The increasing need for this is driven by the digital needs and increasing cyber security attacks reported. Demand for security experts such as security analysts, cyber threat intelligence analysts, security architects, and […]

What are the hiring trends for digital jobs in Indonesia?

Indonesia will need to increase around 600,000 digital talents. It is because Indonesia has lost approximately 442 billion USD which has caused a detrimental effect stopping economic growth by 19%. The fundamental cause of this crisis is the labor shortage of getting staff who are digitally competent. Indonesia’s digital economy in 2021 was the highest […]