AGP: Company Roles & Permissions


Our system employs a matrix of roles and permissions to ensure efficient management of company operations. This guide will help you understand the access levels for each role across different functionalities.

Role Overview

  1. Admin
  2. Human Resource
  3. Finance
  4. Payroll

Admin Permissions

  1. Admin has the most comprehensive access across all functionalities.
  2. Full access to Dashboard, People, Payroll, and Finance modules
  3. Receives all types of notifications: Payroll, Invoice, Service onboarding, and Add new hire

Human Resource Permissions

  1. Human Resource has broad access, focusing on payroll and invoice.
  2. Access to Dashboard and Payroll and Invoice modules
  3. Receives Payroll and Invoice notifications

Finance Permissions

  1. Finance role is centered on financial operations.
  2. Access to Dashboard and Finance modules
  3. No access to People or Payroll modules
  4. Receives Invoice notifications

Payroll Permissions

  1. Payroll role focuses on payroll related functions.
  2. Access to Dashboard and Payroll modules
  3. No access to People or Finance modules
  4. Receives Payroll notifications